"Empowering underrepresented groups to pursue engineering education and careers" [my publication starts on pg. 1]
December 2021
STEM Magazine
"Leveraging agile best practices for engineering design optimization in the aerospace industry" [my publication starts on pg. 18]
September 2021
STEM Magazine
"You don't have to be a rocket scientist to work on rockets: My top three reasons why the aerospace industry needs you " [my publication starts on pg. 20]
April 2021
STEM for Women Magazine
"Empowering women to take on STEM leadership positions within the aerospace industry" [my publication starts on pg. 19]
PDF attachment available upon request
November 2018
Doctoral Dissertation
Doctoral Dissertation
Doctoral Dissertation
"Exploring the advancement of women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) executive management positions in the aerospace industry: Strategies identified by women that enable success"